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“It seems like the older I get the more lightly I sleep.” “I never seem to sleep a night all the way through anymore!” Do you ever find yourself saying that, or notice your parents doing so? Most people would probably say, pshaw, it just seems like that. But actually science has shown that our... Read More
Many families that haven’t seen each other all year come together for the holidays. That makes the holidays a prime time to make sure Mom or Dad is doing okay on his or her own. One of the first signs that your parent(s) may need help is when his or her finances become sloppy or... Read More
Make a world of difference to someone: visit a nursing home resident My fellow nursing home administrators estimate as many as two-thirds of residents don’t receive regular visitors, according to Volunteers of America (, which has a program called Caring Companions that matches volunteer visitors with nursing home residents. I can’t tell you how important... Read More